
Last updated: 05/06/2024


Hugo is passionate about sharing his research work with national and international TV, radio and written news. He also provides expert commentary on a range of Earth science issues when requested. Some highlights below.

June 2024, Fresh water four billion years ago. 7 News.
June 2024, Fresh water four billion years ago. The Conversation.
October 2023, Pink diamonds and (super)continental breakup. 9 News.
July 2022, Commentary on the second largest pink diamond discovered. The Conversation.
July 2022, Supervolcanoes and climate crises. Haaretz.
November 2020, Earth's longest supervolcanic province. Science Alert.
May 2016, Supercontinental breakup and magma in Bunbury. Science Network WA.
October 2023, Pink diamonds and (super)continental breakup. The New York Times.
October 2023, Pink diamonds and (super)continental breakup. 7 News.
July 2022, Supervolcanoes and climate crises. Cosmos.
January 2021, Global growth spurt of Earth's continental crust. Phys.Org.
October 2020, Commentary on global plate tectonic speeds. New Scientist.
January 2014, Carbon capture and storage site in southwest Western Australia. Science Network WA.