Teaching & Supervision
Last updated: 15/02/2025
Unit Coordination
2023–present, Basin Dynamics (GEOL3012)
Curtin University. Year 3 Semester 1, Bachelor of Applied Geology2020–2023, Energy Resources (GEOL5007)
Curtin University. Postgraduate Diploma, Applied Geology2013–2014, Structural Geology (207, 201, GEOL2007)
Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology + related double degrees2013–2014, Structure, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (241, 201, GEOL2001)
Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc GeophysicsTeaching staff
2022–present, Geoscience Analytical Techniques (GEOL4001)
Curtin University. Year 4 Semester 1, BSc Honours (Applied Geology)2011–2012, Structural Geology (207, 201, GEOL2007)
Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology + related double degrees2011–2012, Structure, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (241, 201, GEOL2001)
Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc Geophysics2010–2013, Fundamentals of Geology 2 (102, GEOL1002)
Curtin University. Year 1, Semester 2, BSc Applied Geology, Geophysics + related double degrees2010–2013, Fundamentals of Geology 1 (101, GEOL1001)
Curtin University. Year 1, Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology, Geophysics + related double degreesField staff
2022–present, Geological Field Techniques (GEOL2008)
Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, Bachelor of Applied Geology2018–2021, Dynamic Earth (GEOL1008)
Curtin University. Year 1, Semester 1, Bachelor of Applied Geology2017, Evolving Earth Systems and Palaeontology (GEOL1003)
Curtin University. Year 1 Semester 2, BSc Applied Geology + related double degrees2017, Field Mapping and Stratigraphy of Sedimentary Basins (GEOL3009)
Curtin University. Year 3 Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology2015, Petroleum Geology and Applied Basin Analysis (ENVS337, ENVS364)
University of Liverpool, Year 3 & 4 Semester 1, BSc GeologySupervised Students
PhD Students
Hijas Hameed K N, 2024–2027 (principal supervisor, 60%)
“Age and environmental impact of the Ontong Java large igneous province” Curtin University, 2023–2026, Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Fred Jourdan, Chris Kirkland.
Christopher Watts, 2023–2026 (co-supervisor, 15%)
“Understanding controls on the structure, stratigraphy, and distribution of petroleum systems elements in the Perth Basin, Western Australia” Curtin University, 2023–2026, Supervisors: Nick Timms, Chris Elders, Hugo Olierook.
Winner of 2024 Horstman Federal Postgraduate Scholarship from the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia.
Jeremy Asimus, 2022–2025 (co-supervisor, 5%)
“Microcontinents in the Kerguelen Plateau: remnants of the breakup of East Gondwana” University of Tasmania, 2022–2025, Supervisors: Jacqueline Halpin, Jo Whittaker, Nathan Daczko, Hugo Olierook.
Riley Rohrer, 2021–2024(co-supervisor, 20%)
“Tectonothermal Evolution of the Fraser Zone” Curtin University, 2021–2024, Supervisors: Tim Johnson, Katy Evans, Hugo Olierook, Chris Kirkland.
Kathy Kuper, 2021–2024(co-supervisor, 40%)
“Tectonic setting and geodynamic evolution of the Fraser zone, Western Australia” Curtin University, 2021–2024, Supervisors: Chris Kirkland, Hugo Olierook, Katy Evans.
Qiang Jiang, 2017–2021 (co-supervisor, 40%)
“Origin of the anomalous Subantarctic mantle: message from the Kerguelen large igneous province and Macquarie Ridge Complex” Curtin University, 2017–2020, Supervisors: Fred Jourdan, Hugo Olierook, Xuan Ce Wang.
Qiang arrived in August 2017 after being awarded the highly prestigious, 4-year Australia–China scholarship.
MRes Students (2 semester research project)
Liam J. Olden, 2019
“Mid Phanerozoic stromatolites in the Northern Perth Basin: Understanding their evolution and occurrence” Curtin University. Supervisors: Milo Barham, Jane Cunneen, Hugo Olierook, Kliti Grice.
2019 Winner of best 'soft-rock' student presentation at the Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference.
MSc Students (1 semester research project)
Dheerej Sathish Kumar, 2022
“Detrital mica dating as a tool for provenance studies” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Christopher Kirkland.
Published his Masters thesis as an article in Chemical Geology
Mijiddorj Chuluunbaatar, 2021
“Processes that control Cu-Mo vs Cu-Au porphyry fertility in the Gurvansaikhan arc, Southern Mongolia” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Christopher Kirkland.
Jon Stokes, 2018
“Integration of facies modelling, hyperspectral/geochemical data and wavelet tessellation analysis to differentiate domains for CO2 sequestration” CSIRO. Supervisors: Phil Renforth (Cardiff), Ryan Noble (CSIRO), June Hill (CSIRO), Hugo Olierook.
Published as CSIRO report.
Olaoluwa O. Ibolola, 2017
“Characterization of Early Cretaceous palynological assemblages from Bell-01 hole and the Lanco Bunbury Port Engineering holes BH01-28 (Southern Perth Basin, Western Australia)” University of Western Australia. Supervisors: Daniel Peyrot (UWA), Hugo Olierook, Sarah Martin (GSWA).
Honours Students (4th year bachelor degree, 2 semester research project)
Ella Artemis, 2025
“Geological history of Makira Island, Solomon Islands” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Luc Doucet & Hijas Hameed
Justin Rickfen, 2024-25
“Source, transport and sink mechanisms of the Wandagee Kimberlites field, Northwest Australia” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook & Luc Doucet
Selected for the National Exploration Undercover School (NExUS)
Luke Heseldell, 2023
“Geodynamics and petrogenesis of the gneissic suite at the Katanning Gold Deposit, Southwest WA” Curtin University. Supervisors: Nick Timms, Chris Clark & Hugo Olierook
Winner of the AIG medal for best Honours thesis in Earth and Planetary Sciences
First class Honours
Catherine Woodall, 2022
“Genesis of the Dromedary zinc prospect, Paterson Orogen, WA” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Mehrooz Aspandiar
Winner of the AIG medal for best Honours thesis in Earth and Planetary Sciences
First class Honours
Lachlan Dougles, 2020
“4D architecture of the Duketon Greenstone Belt, Eastern Goldfields, WA” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Chris Kirkland, Brent McInnes, Celia Guergouz, Graham Conner
Diana Carmona Hoyos, 2019
“The Ninetyeast Ridge volcanic hotspot track” Curtin University. Supervisors: Fred Jourdan, Hugo Olierook, Qiang Jiang
Winner of the AIG medal for best Honours thesis in Earth and Planetary Sciences
First class Honours
Liam J. Olden, 2018
“Extent and Significance of Early Triassic stromatolites at high southern palaeolatitudes” Curtin University. Supervisors: Jane Cunneen, Hugo Olierook, Gregory Smith, Erica Suosaari (Bush Heritage, Smithsonian Museum).
Winner of a GSA Endowment Fund Award ($1000)
Winner of a PESA-Woodside Honours Student Scholarship ($1000)
Invited talk to PechaKucha 20x20
First class Honours
Published an article in Australian Journal of Earth Sciences from his Honours thesis