Teaching & Supervision

Banner photo: Basins Field Trip class of 2017, Shark Bay World Heritage Site. Photo by me.
Last updated: 15/02/2025

Unit Coordination

2023–present, Basin Dynamics (GEOL3012)

Curtin University. Year 3 Semester 1, Bachelor of Applied Geology

2020–2023, Energy Resources (GEOL5007)

Curtin University. Postgraduate Diploma, Applied Geology

2013–2014, Structural Geology (207, 201, GEOL2007)

Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology + related double degrees

2013–2014, Structure, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (241, 201, GEOL2001)

Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc Geophysics

Teaching staff

2022present, Geoscience Analytical Techniques (GEOL4001)

Curtin University. Year 4 Semester 1, BSc Honours (Applied Geology)

2011–2012, Structural Geology (207, 201, GEOL2007)

Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology + related double degrees

2011–2012, Structure, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (241, 201, GEOL2001)

Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, BSc Geophysics

2010–2013, Fundamentals of Geology 2 (102, GEOL1002)

Curtin University. Year 1, Semester 2, BSc Applied Geology, Geophysics + related double degrees

2010–2013, Fundamentals of Geology 1 (101, GEOL1001)

Curtin University. Year 1, Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology, Geophysics + related double degrees

Field staff

2022present, Geological Field Techniques (GEOL2008)

Curtin University. Year 2 Semester 1, Bachelor of Applied Geology

2018–2021, Dynamic Earth (GEOL1008)

Curtin University. Year 1, Semester 1, Bachelor of Applied Geology

2017, Evolving Earth Systems and Palaeontology (GEOL1003)

Curtin University. Year 1 Semester 2, BSc Applied Geology + related double degrees 

2017, Field Mapping and Stratigraphy of Sedimentary Basins (GEOL3009)

Curtin University. Year 3 Semester 1, BSc Applied Geology

2015, Petroleum Geology and Applied Basin Analysis (ENVS337, ENVS364)

University of Liverpool, Year 3 & 4 Semester 1, BSc Geology

Supervised Students

PhD Students

Hijas Hameed K N, 2024–2027 (principal supervisor, 60%)

Age and environmental impact of the Ontong Java large igneous province” Curtin University, 2023–2026, Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Fred Jourdan, Chris Kirkland.

Christopher Watts, 2023–2026 (co-supervisor, 15%)

Understanding controls on the structure, stratigraphy, and distribution of petroleum systems elements in the Perth Basin, Western Australia” Curtin University, 2023–2026, Supervisors: Nick Timms, Chris Elders, Hugo Olierook.

Jeremy Asimus, 2022–2025 (co-supervisor, 5%)

Microcontinents in the Kerguelen Plateau: remnants of the breakup of East GondwanaUniversity of Tasmania, 2022–2025, Supervisors: Jacqueline Halpin, Jo Whittaker, Nathan Daczko, Hugo Olierook.

Riley Rohrer, 2021–2024(co-supervisor, 20%)

Tectonothermal Evolution of the Fraser Zone” Curtin University, 2021–2024, Supervisors: Tim Johnson, Katy Evans, Hugo Olierook, Chris Kirkland.

Kathy Kuper, 2021–2024(co-supervisor, 40%)

Tectonic setting and geodynamic evolution of the Fraser zone, Western Australia” Curtin University, 2021–2024, Supervisors: Chris Kirkland, Hugo Olierook, Katy Evans.

Qiang Jiang, 2017–2021 (co-supervisor, 40%)

Origin of the anomalous Subantarctic mantle: message from the Kerguelen large igneous province and Macquarie Ridge Complex” Curtin University, 2017–2020, Supervisors: Fred Jourdan, Hugo Olierook, Xuan Ce Wang.

MRes Students (2 semester research project)

Liam J. Olden, 2019

Mid Phanerozoic stromatolites in the Northern Perth Basin: Understanding their evolution and occurrence” Curtin University. Supervisors: Milo Barham, Jane Cunneen, Hugo Olierook, Kliti Grice.

MSc Students (1 semester research project)

Dheerej Sathish Kumar, 2022

Detrital mica dating as a tool for provenance studies” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Christopher Kirkland.

Mijiddorj Chuluunbaatar, 2021

Processes that control Cu-Mo vs Cu-Au porphyry fertility in the Gurvansaikhan arc, Southern Mongolia” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Christopher Kirkland.

Jon Stokes, 2018

Integration of facies modelling, hyperspectral/geochemical data and wavelet tessellation analysis to differentiate domains for CO2 sequestration” CSIRO. Supervisors: Phil Renforth (Cardiff), Ryan Noble (CSIRO), June Hill (CSIRO), Hugo Olierook.

Olaoluwa O. Ibolola, 2017

Characterization of Early Cretaceous palynological assemblages from Bell-01 hole and the Lanco Bunbury Port Engineering holes BH01-28 (Southern Perth Basin, Western Australia)” University of Western Australia. Supervisors: Daniel Peyrot (UWA), Hugo Olierook, Sarah Martin (GSWA).

Honours Students (4th year bachelor degree, 2 semester research project)

Ella Artemis, 2025

Geological history of Makira Island, Solomon Islands Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Luc Doucet & Hijas Hameed

Justin Rickfen, 2024-25

Source, transport and sink mechanisms of the Wandagee Kimberlites field, Northwest Australia Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook & Luc Doucet

Luke Heseldell, 2023

Geodynamics and petrogenesis of the gneissic suite at the Katanning Gold Deposit, Southwest WA Curtin University. Supervisors: Nick Timms, Chris Clark & Hugo Olierook

Catherine Woodall, 2022

Genesis of the Dromedary zinc prospect, Paterson Orogen, WA” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Mehrooz Aspandiar

Lachlan Dougles, 2020

4D architecture of the Duketon Greenstone Belt, Eastern Goldfields, WA” Curtin University. Supervisors: Hugo Olierook, Chris Kirkland, Brent McInnes, Celia Guergouz, Graham Conner

Diana Carmona Hoyos, 2019

The Ninetyeast Ridge volcanic hotspot track” Curtin University. Supervisors: Fred Jourdan, Hugo Olierook, Qiang Jiang

Liam J. Olden, 2018

Extent and Significance of Early Triassic stromatolites at high southern palaeolatitudes” Curtin University. Supervisors: Jane Cunneen, Hugo Olierook, Gregory Smith, Erica Suosaari (Bush Heritage, Smithsonian Museum).